energy efficiency: still far from European targets
It becomes apparent from a study undertaken by the European Environmental Agency (EEA), Trends and Projections in Europe 2013 – Tracking progress towards Europe’s climate and Energy targets until 2020, that for many European countries bound to National targets specified by the “20-20-20 Package“, the hardest target to hit is the Energy efficiency quota (+20% compared to 1990).
The report highlights how at a national legislative level, the European regulations are not sufficiently integrated: there is a lack of long term efficiency increasing plans, and existing policies are insufficient and badly distributed. In this context, asjaGen (from the 21st of September 2015 on, TOTEM ENERGY) becomes even more important with its TANDEM, as it offers energy efficient solutions with its microcogenerators which, with just one fuel, produce elettrical and heat energy where it is needed, reaching an efficiency threshold of 97%.
Microcogeneration is a technology which is already widespread in Europe, especially in Germany, which, not by coincidence, the EEA’s study found to be one of the 4 member countries closest to the efficiency targets set by the European Directive.